
What is an escort really?

Opposite opinions arise around the concept of “escort” in society.

Why does this service exist? Due to the nature of their activities, businessmen are often forced to attend various events, such as business meetings, banquets, dinner parties…

Etiquette dictates the presence of a companion at such events, but businessmen, busy people, and not everyone have a wife or a permanent partner. According to the unspoken rules of decency, an attractive person should be next to an influential character at grand entrances.

Escorts are not call girls

There are many stereotypes about how girls become escorts. However, in reality, everything is not so simple. Often, girls become escort models not because of poverty or a lack of other ways to earn money but because of their own free will and desire.

Escorting can be very beneficial for young women who want to have financial independence and control over their lives. Unlike working in a restaurant or supermarket, models can earn significantly more money quickly.

However, escort girls should not be confused with call girls. These are entirely different professions. Call girls generally have no control over their work and can find themselves in dangerous situations. At the same time, escort models work only with verified clients and have the opportunity to refuse an offer if they don’t like something.

Of course, working as an escort model can be challenging and requires a lot of patience and people skills. However, for many girls, this is a beautiful way to earn money and get new opportunities in life.

Escort agency, what is it?

Serious escort Marbella organizations exist under the guise of the modeling business, such as The models listed in them perform at fashion shows and exhibitions. Public appearances provide additional advertising and protection from troubles.

You should immediately understand how the escort service works. This form of work is more harmless and promising than searching for a sponsor on your own. The impresario accepts applications, checks whether the client’s name is on blacklists, helps prepare documents for foreign trips, and tracks the girl’s whereabouts.

Negotiations are held directly in the organization’s apartments or via a secure channel in one of the telephone instant messengers. After receiving the advance payment, the correspondence is deleted. The parties strive to maintain privacy in their personal lives. There is no need for extra publicity.


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